Oregano (Orignanum vulgare)

Everyone has heard of oregano, right? We see it everywhere! When people come down with a slight cold, the first thing someone tells them is "use oregano," 

Well there is no doubt that oregano is an absolutely amazing herb. It has been used internally and externally. You can use this herb as an anti-septic, diaphoretic, expectorant, anti-fungal and diuretic. This herb is also an emmenagogue to promote menstruation. You can rub it on your temples to relieve a headache. 

Mix a very small amount of oregano with honey or other substance if you choose to ingest this herb. Blend the essential oil with a carrier oil before applying to the skin. 

Contraindications: Do not use during pregnancy. Can cause irritation to mucous membranes if taken in high dosages. 


Sacred Warrior Goddess


Rosemary (Romarinus officinalis)